Socom Glitches and Codes

Universal Glitches

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Universal Glitches
Socom Glitches and Codes
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The Below glitches are alphabetized in order. All are up-to-date and work. It may take several tries for a glitch to work, so please be patient and try 5+ times before saying something, and when you do post a topic, please tell what you are doing and what is happening.

[2 People On a Ladder]
[Required: You Must be Host with Stand-By]
Get on the ladder, and then press Standby, and then get off hte ladder, and then get back on. Wait for lag to catch up and people will see you floating up and down but can get on the ladder while your on it.

[3rd Person Binoculars]
[Required: Claymores]
Take out your Claymores and then go into First Person mode by pressing up on D-Pad. Press R1 over and over, rapidly, while pressing up on your D-pad also rapidly, you will go into binoculars and then in thirty seconds they will zoom out and you will be on the screen.

[3rd Person Scope]
[Required: RPG/AT-4 Heat]
Take out your RPG/AT-4 Heat and start tapping right on your D-pad so you keep leaning right very fast, and in the process, press Quick 1 to take out your primary. You should start to get up, but then drop down with your primary as your active weapon but your RPG/AT-4 Heat out. Now press O and R2 around the same time, if done correctly your Tactical Menu will pop up, press Triangle and then your Armory will pop up. Scroll up your armory to zoom in and then select your pistol, now walk foward and wait thirty seconds and it will eventually zoom out with you inside the scope.

[16 People on ladder/Ladder Tbone]
[Required: Two or more people]
Goto a ladder and make sure your grenades are your primary weapon. Cook the grenade so the yellow line is showing. Goto the side of the ladder and mk sure you still see the ladder symbol. Press X and quicky run to the side and when your about to be pulled back release the grenade. Your character should be getting pulled back then he throws a grenade and he gets on the ladder. To mk sure it works have another person come and see if they see the climb symbol. If they do it worked
[Note: Repeat this process to get as many people as you want on the ladder]

[4 Star Clan Tag]
[Required: Nothing]
To make a 4 star clan tag, make your Clan tag FKæ.

[5 Star Clan Tag]
[Required: Nothing]
To make a 5 star clan tag, make your Clan tag FK€.

[50 Star Game Name]
[Required: Nothing]
To make a 50 Star Game Name, Make the Name of the Game : FK€ and keep repeating the € over and over until you cannot type € anymore, then press Enter.

[Abort w/o losing Rating]
[Required: Nothing]
As soon as you press Yes that you really want to abort, hold down triangle and you should skip the entire aborting screen and go straight to your online main menu.

[AGG w/ Grenades]
[Requirements: M67 grenades for all three of your accessories, cannot be host.]
Make your Pistol Quick one, and your middle M67 Grenades quick two. Go to a turret while in crouch. Press Quick one to take out your pistol. Hit X to mount turrent then right before you mount the turret, pull your ethernet cord and hit X to mount turret again. Then press Quick two to take out your second M67 grenades. Then press Quick one to take out your pistol and run foward, away from the turret, then plug your ethernet cord back in. On everyone's screen except yours you will be shooting massive amounts of grenades out of your pistol when you shoot your pistol.
[Note: If you mount on the turret you need to run farther away from it.]

[AGG w/ Rockets #1]
[Required: RPG/AT-4 Heat, M67, any pistol(preferably Model 18), cannot be host]
Put your Pistol/Model 18 as Quick 1 and your RPG/AT-4 Heat as Quick 2. Go up to a turret while in crouch, with your pistol out(if Model 18, make sure it is on Single Shot) so you see the use turret icon. Unplug your ethernet cord, Press X to mount turret, shoot your pistol/model 18 once, press Quick 2 to take out your RPG/AT-4 Heat and then shoot it, plug your ethernet cord back in and run away from the turret, while changing to your pistol/model 18, then if you have a model 18, change your model 18 to full-auto, and then start shooting your gun, and on other people's screens you will be shooting rockets.
[Note: If you mount on the turret you need to run farther away from it.]

[AGG w/ Rockets #2]
[Requirements: RPG/AT-4 Heat, Mines/Claymores, Cannot be host]
Put your Mines as Quick One, and make sure your pistol is on Quick Two, Go up to turret in crouch with your pistol out. Hit x once to mount turret, then right after, before your character gets on the turret, pull your ethernet cord or press Stand-By, and press x again. Then take out your RPG/AT-4 Heat and shoot it, after that, press Quick one to switch to your claymores/mines. Then press Quick two to take out your pistol. After that, put your ethernet cord back in or shut off stand-by. Then start shooting your pistol until lag catches up. You will be shooting rockets out of you pistol and still have the effects of backblast but you won't be able to see it.
[Note: In order to pull your ethernet cord and not freeze while doing this, you have to pull it out for less then a second, plug back in for a split second, and repeat the process, its harder using your ethernet cord. Also, if you mount the turret, you need pull your ethernet cord longer / run away farther from it.]

[A lot More Rockets/14 Rockets]
[Requirements: Pick all three of your accessories as M67s]
Make sure everyone on your team has Claymores and AT-4 Heats. Now, Line all your team mates up and kill them all. Then throw two sets out of three sets of frags anywhere you please, then run over one body and pick up his AT-4 Heat. Now, unplug your ethernet cord, and pick up everybody's AT-4 off their bodies. The more you pick up, the more rockets you will have. Then plug back in.

[Assassin Glitch]
[Required: Nothing]
This only works for getting Seal Skin as a Terrorist. Go to Seals, go to Armory, go to the first model, pick the weapons you want as a terrorist, and customize. Now, exit out of armory, and as soon as you do, switch teams, and go to armory, select the first terrorist skin then press square to customize. Get out of armory by pressing done and then select Switch teams and then you should see that you can select Ready even though there is a timer on it. Do so, and then when you can unready, unready. Then go to armory on Seals, and while you are loading up the armory, keep pressing X very very very fast, and if done correctly, you should go into armory, and select the first person, but the background and everything is all messed up, now, press up and then X to get out of armory. Switch Teams, and then press Ready.

[Assassinator Glitch]
[Required: Nothing/Preferrably Standby or Glitch Switch]
Start on the team you want to be on. Do the Same Team glitch style cord pulling, as in unplug your ethernet cord, switch teams, plug it back in, unplug, plug, over and over until you see that you can pick armory or switch teams, go to armory. Once you get into the armory, pick the first guy very fast and then after that keep pressing square as fast as you can over and over until the Switch Teams error appears. Pick your weapons that you want. Then hit done to return to lobby. Then do the Same Team glitch style cord pulling again and do the exact same thing, then pick the first guy, again and still keep pressing square as fast as you can until the error message disapears. Then, just hit done. Now, you can go back into armory and see that the weapons you chose on the other team, are your weapons on the wrong team, and you will be able to use them in-game.

[Backwards Ninja Jump]
[Required: M67]
Have your Grenades on Quick two, and have your primary weapon on Single Shot. Shoot twice in the air with your primary weapon then move your right analog stick to the left and press Triangle and Quick two at the same time and you will backwards ninja jump, but it can't get you to any locations above your location.

[Blue World]
[Required: M67]
Get C4 as Primary adn then go on the turret. Shoot all the ammo out of the turret except for 54 bullets. Unplug your ethernet cord and then shoot the rest of the bullets out of the gun, making your primary become your active weapon, and then plug your ethernet cord back in, and you did it.

[Bomb Climb]
[Required: Satchel]
Find any ledge and look down enough so you see the Drop Bomb and Climb icons. Select Drop Bomb and press X, then as your dropping the bomb, press X to climb and then turn to the right or left into an object and you will climb into it.

[Bomb Slide]
[Required: Satchel]
Get the satchel and go to the Bomb Site, point at the ground so your Plant Bomb icon appears, Jump and hit X to plant hte bomb. If done right, you will slide after planting the bomb.

[Boot Room]
[Required: Read Below.]
Do the Assassinator from Seal's to Terrorists, and make sure you pick the M203 as a Seal, and have the middle slot as an M203 FRAG. Die the first round of the game, and then go to your third accessory and pick the RPG, making your first accessory your RPG Round, but you will still have the M203 FRAG, but you will still have your M203 gun, put your RPG as quick two, and then go up to a turret with your M203 out, and make sure it has the grenade icon in the lower left corner instead of the full auto icon, as in press R1 to shoot grenade. Now, press X, and before you get on the turret, pull your ethernet cord, take out your RPG, turn to your right facing to the right of the turret, and then plug your ethernet cord back in. You shouldn't get on the turret, wait about ten seconds for lag to catch up, and then run foward and the room should get booted.

[Bozo Float]
[Required: AT-4 Heat/RPG and C4]
This can only work on Vigilance. Do the Get C4 as Primary glitch, and then get on the turret and wait roughly two minutes for it to shoot itself, in this time, no not touch your controller. As soon as it shoots, your primary gun should pop out and you should be able to shoot your primary out of the turret. Get off the turret and you should only be able to select your Pistol and AT-4/RPG as a weapon. Now, with your pistol out, do the C4 as Primary glitch, and wait on the turret again for two minutes, wait until it shoots and it 'eats' your pistol, then get off, you should now only have your AT-4/RPG. Now, Go get C4 as Primary once more, wait until the turret shoots again, and it 'eats' your AT-4/RPG. Your character should get off the turret but you should still be able to control the turret. Now, get off the turret, and you shouldn't be able to move and have C4 as Primary. Get on the turret again, and then get off and run a foot or so, and then, you should freeze and start sliding to your top left. You can only control which direction you go by your analog stick.

[C4 as Primary #1]
[Required: C4]
Go to any breach that you can use C4 on. Now, keep pressing lean left and right very fast over and over and when you do it for three+ seconds, press X to plant C4 and keep doing it, but while doing planting it and leaning left and right at the same time, turn to your left. You should then get C4 as Primary.

[C4 as Primary #2]
[Required: C4]'
Goto the right of the C4 breach so you dont see the icon. Lean to the right so you do see the C4 icon. Plant it and keep rotating clockwise and kep tapping left and right on the D-pad.

[Change Game Name without Making New Room]
[Required: Nothing]
Go to a Briefing room and look at a game you want to join, and change the name of, Go to create game and type in what you want the room name to be but don't enter it. Pull your ethernet cord and as soon as you do, press enter, and then plug it back in. Now leave the create game screen by pressing Triangle and go to the room you want to change the name of. Now for it to change for everybody, you have to become host.

[Changing Long Clan Tag]
[Required: Read Below.]
1. Go to Options, Setup Taunts.
3. Set a Taunt to a maximum of 14/15 characters.
(Tip: If your clan's name is Killers; make the tag -K-%%%%%%%%%€€€)
(Tip: Replace the % with a space; the € is the European E)
2. Go back to the Main Menu and go to Clan.
3. Go to Clan Tag.
4. Enter ]]] into the Text Box, but don't press Enter yet.
4. Press Standby. (To Disconnect)
5. Press Enter, to enter ]]] as the Clan Tag.
6. Go back to the Main Menu, click Options, click Setup Taunts.
7. Press Standby again. (To Reconnect)
8. When the ]]] shows up as your Clan Tag, Press Standby again. (To Disconnect)
9. Select the Taunt with the Spaces and European E symbols.
10. Press Circle to exit from the Taunt.
11. Go back to the Main Menu, then select Clan.
12. Press X and then Circle on Clan Tag.
13. Press Standby. (To Reconnect)
14. Press X and then Circle on Clan Tag, again.
15. Wait about 5 seconds until it pops up.
16. Your tag should be something like [TAGHERE €€€]
17. Press X, then Triangle, and then Triangle again.

[Changing Cheat on International Server]
[Required: CodeBreaker/Stand-By]
Load the codes you wish to use, and then load up Socom 2, when your at your Online screen ready to connect, press connect and then press stand-by 2-3 times fast, and leave it alone during the DNAS check. Now, highlight International and press X on it and while doing so, press stand-by again. Log in. Hit stand-by, accept useragreement, and from there you can Press autoplay Real fast and hit stand-by to get your connection back, or you can Hit join any server. Press stand-by to get connection back. You will get a ban message but it will go away if done correctly. Then, when in server, hit stand-by, create game, then your good to make a game.

[Clan Invites to a Long Named Person]
[Required: Stand-By]
Go to your Friend's list, and fill in the person's name inside the Send Friend Invite field. Now, hit stand-by, and then go to Clan, then invitations, then go to add member, and type in 'a', then press O to enter 'a'. Now let lag catch up and you will have invited him to your clan.

[Clan Rank Copy]
[Required: You must have an 8 Person+ Clan with you as the Leader.]
What this does, is that it copies the Clan Rating of the clan you are about to join. Be the leader of a clan, with a clan rank. (Atleast 8 people in ur clan). Get the invite from the clan you want to copy. Goto the invitations screen but do not accept it or hit anything, just hit triangle to go back. Go back to Clan, and appoint leader to someone who is OFFLINE, then go back to invititations. Click leave clan. Then accept invite. There you go. The clan you just left, now has the stas of the clan you just joined.

[Claymore/Mine Climb Glitch]
[Required: Claymores/Mines]
Go to Any box/thing you are able to climb, make Claymores your active weapon and climb up. As soon as your Shoulders get above the box, press R1 to plant a Claymore, you will plant a Claymore, then climb into the box.

[Claymore Jump]
[Required: Claymores]
Plant a Claymore on any surface, facing the way you want to go, run foward, and once your about fifteen feet away from it, jump, and blow it up while your in mid-air, and it should send you flying foward.

[Colored Clan Tag]
[Required: You need a StandBy Router, and you have to be the leader of your clan.]
Go to your Main Online Menu, and highlight Clan, press your Standby button on your router, and then go to Clan. Make your clan tag 'aaa'. Your clan tag won't change because you have standby on. Now go to your Online Main Menu again, and press Standby again to get your connection back. Your tag will then change to 'aaa', once that happens, press Standby once again, and then go back to Clan. Make your clan tag '#C', then go to your Main Online menu again. Your tag won't change, so then press Standby again to get your connection back. Once the lag clears away, your tag will change and your clan tag plus name would look like this [#C???_____, inside the Underscores will be your username.

[Curse in Clan Tag]
[Required: You must be the leader of your Clan and Stand-By]
Press Stand-By and go to Manage Clan. Go to change Clan Tag, and then change it to a curse word, and then leave Manage Clan to the Online Main Menu and then press press Stand-by again.

[Crouch Ninja Jump]
[Required: Nothing]
Make sure you are in crouch, and shoot one time to make sure your gun is 'up'. Wiggle your right analog stick right and left, and while doing so, jump, and make sure you are still wiggling your analog stick while you jump, and when you are all the way in the air, start hitting triangle.

[David Blaine]
[Required: AT-4 Heat/RPG]
Goto a ledge that you can climb, now take out your rocket, and open up your armory and highlight your primary. Then unplug your ethernet cord, press X to take out out your primary, then press X to climb, plug your ethernet cord back in, run foward a little and then jump back off the ledge. If this works, then you cannot reload or jump, otherwise it will stop working.

[David Blaine #2]
[Required: AT-4 Heat/RPG]
Do the Hulk #3, but instead of doing the invisable box climb over again, run and jump at a ledge and in mid-air press X to climb it, and you should be doing it.

[David Blaine #3]
[Required: You must be host]
Go to the top of any ladder and face it, unplug your ethernet cord and hit X to climb the ladder, now, hit X on ladder slide and at the same time, hold triangle hard and lean left, you should prone off the ladder, now, get on the ladder and climb to the top, now, don't move for about ten-twenty seconds then when lag catches up, you should be doing the David Blaine around ten feet in the air.

[DeadMan Turret]
[Required: Two People]
1. get the person who wants to do the glitch to stand in front of the turret and be able to see the Mount Turret icon
2. designate a time, at which player 1 will shoot player 2 (the person doing the glitch) in the head and player 2 will unplug their cord, press x 3 times, plug their cord in, and continue pressing x very fast.
3. if done correctly player 2's dead body will mount the turret

[Dead-Man Walking #1]
[Required: RPG/AT-4 Heat, 2 People, One with a Shotgun]
Have someone on top of a ledge with a Shotgun ready to kill the person at the bottom that has the RPG/AT-4 when he climbs up. Have him do the RPG Climb and have the person Shotgun Kill the person when he gets up and before the person lands on teh ground when hes dead, he presses Triangle to prone and then he can shoot the RPG at the person or he could run foward and shoot with his or her primary.

[Dead-Man Walking #2]
[Required: 2 People, One with a Shotgun]
Have the person with a shotgun, at the bottom of a box, with his friend hanging from the box, Have the person hanging on the box start climbing up, and then have the person with a shotgun, shoot him, the person climbing the box should fly off, and while he is in mid air, he should Press X and then he will climb the box and do dead-man wallking.

[Dead-Man Walking #3]
[Required: 2 People, One with a Automatic Gun]
Hit X, and then Square and R2 all at the same time, when you are next to a ladder and you should get on the ladder with your armory out. Hit Up on your Directional Pad to keep your armory out, and stay still on the ladder and have somebody shoot you with a Automatic Gun in your upper body region. It should kill you and you can run around and kill people, etc.

[Dead-Man Walking #4]
[Required: Claymores]
Plant a Claymore next to a door, and face the door so you can open it, press X and R1 around the same time and you should die and open the door and then be able to do Dead-Man Walking.

[Dead-Man Walking #5]
[Required: Claymores]
Plant a claymore by a dead body, and then when you have your detonator out, press X to pick up the dead bodies weapon and blow up the claymore at the same time, this also works with a grenade.

[Disconnect Everyone]
[Required: You have to be host]
You also have to be in a non-respawn room. As soon as the victory music ends, unplug your ethernet cord, and the stats screen should pop up. As soon as the stats screen goes down and you go into the next round, plug your ethernet cord back in, and don't move for a minute. You should after a minute, see most/all people were disconnected.

[Door Slide]
[Required: Nothing]
Go to a door, get into crouch position, and then run alongside the door and hit X and square at the same time, and you should open the door in mid air and then slide.

[Double At-4 Heats]
[Required: Nothing]
In the game lobby goto the armory and make your armory like so:
Any Gun
Any Pistol
2X Ammo
At-4 Heat
At-4 Round
Highlight the 2X Ammo. Press O 5-7 times then on your D-Pad press left then just keep pressing down. If you do it quick it should quickly change to a At-4 heat and the original one would still be there.

[Duplicate a Satchel]
[Required: 2 People, one with Satchel]
Have the person with the satchel, come to the person without the satchel, and then they look at the ground and keep pressing X to drop the bomb, each time they drop the bomb, the other will pick it up. Do this for a good ammount of time, roughly a minute, and then you should be able to run off and have the drop bomb, etc. icon like you have the bomb when the other person literally does.

[Double Clan Glitch #1]
[Required: Stand-By and you must be in a clan already]
Go online, but at the Accept/Decline user Agreement screen, press Stand-by and hit Accept. Go to Create Clan, and then press Stand-by again, and then make your clan. You will now have two clans, technically.

[Double Clan Glitch #2]
[Required: Stand-By and you must be in a clan already and you must also have an invitation to the clan you also want to be in]
Go online, but at the Accept/Decline user Agreement screen, press Stand-by and hit Accept. Go to Create Clan, and then press Stand-by again, and then make your clan. You will now have two clans, technically. Now, go to your clan, send someone an invitation, and when they accept, appoint them leader. Then go to Invitations on your Online Main Menu, and highlight Leave Clan. Press X over and over very fast, and now you should be in two clans with you not being the leader in any of them.

[Everyone On Same Team Glitch #1]
[Required: You cannot be Host]
Highlight Switch Teams and then Unplug your Ethernet Cord and press X and plug it back in, wait until' the countdown timer on Switch Teams turns to 4, and Unplug your Ethernet Cord again and plug it back in, then wait until the countdown timer reaches 1 and unplug your Ethernet Cord and Press X on Switch Teams and then Press X on Ready.

[Everyone On Same Team Glitch #2]
[Required: You cannot be Host]
Have everybody on one team except for one person. Have everybody green up on one side except for two people, including the person on the other team with nobody but himself on it. Now, have the people start counting down from 5 and as soon as they hit zero, have the person on the team with everyone, green up, and have the person on the other team with nobody, switch teams and green up instantly.

[Exorcist Glitch #1]
[Required: Two People and a Respawn Room]
Have Player one die, and then have him pull his ethernet cord and respawn, wait two seconds and plug your ethernet cord back in. Make sure Player two knows where Player one's respawn is, so he can be there to throw a grenade. Make sure a time is known with Player two on when Player one unplugs his ethernet cord. Player Two will then when at the time, throw a grenade and wait, if done correctly, Player one will die after respawning but still look alive on your screen.

[Exorcist Glitch #2]
[Required: M67/HE Grenades and Respawn Room]
Die in a Respawn room, and make sure you have your grenades that are either M67 grenades or HE, as quick two. Unplug your ethernet cord, and respawn, press Quick two to take out youre grenades, then count to two and then throw it. By this time your controller will not rumble when you throw the grenade. Then plug your ethernet cord back in for a second and then unplug it, you should have been blown up after you unplugged it the second time, and then count to two while your cord is out while you die, and then plug your ethernet cord back in.

[Explosion at start of the Round]
[Requirements: You have to be host and Any Grenades]
Be alive at the end of the round where the next round you want to blow up the other member's spawn for instance, then go to where you want the grenade to blow up, and then count 5 seconds after the music stops and throw a grenade or plant mines or claymores. When the game freezes and goes to the round statistics screen, unplug your Ethernet cord and wait until' the countdown timer reaches five and plug back in. This will make you spawn 15 seconds before everybody and the other team will feel the effects of your grenades or claymores or any other explosive that you planted there.

[Flash Teleport]
[Required: Two People]
Both people go to a dead body, and then lean left and keep on pressing X to pick up the person's primary, both people have to do this while leaning left and holding it the entire time. You will know when you done this when your gun is silenced, you have the same gun as the gun on the ground, and you are teleporting.

[Freeze in Mid-Air or Dead on Turret]
[Required: Two People]
Whenever someone does the Same-Team glitch, sometimes the round starts and it instantly saids 'Seals Victorious or Terrorists Victorious', when it does this, you are able to do these glitches. Now, to freeze in mid air, have Person #1, the one doing it, press Start, and then highlight abort, and then highlight yes, then have Person #2, shotgun Person #1, and then when Person #1 is in mid-air where he wants to freeze, have him press X on yes, and he will freeze in mid air, to do it on the turret, simply just unplug your ethernet cord, press X on the turret, then highlight yes on abort, then when you move to get on the turret, press X and you will freeze.

[Furry Hop]
[Required: Nothing]
Go up to any ladder but make sure it has a box around, unplug your ethernet cord, hit X to get on the ladder, and then run to the box, and plug your cord in when you are at the box, start climbing it once you plug your cord back in, make sure you can hang on hte box to start with, and while you climb up, the lag should catch up and you should get sucked up to the ladder and thrown up in the air really high at the same time. This takes timing, so it might take a few tries.

[Game Never Starts]
Required: You Must be the Host
Go into the Armory while in Lobby and it will never force.

[Game Never Starts #2]
[Required: Nothing]
Once the countdown starts pull your cord at 3. And plug back in a little while after the timer goes away. No one in the lobby will be able to abort or type. They must turn off their ps2's.

[Get Any Gun on Turret]
[Required: Satchel and RPG/AT-4 Heat and Grenades]
Make your Grenades as Quick One, get the bomb and go to teh Bomb Site, do the Rapid Flashbangs Glitch with the RPG/AT-4 Heat so you are in RPG Stance, but have primary out. Look down so you have the bomb plant icon and start to plant, when you see the Blue Bomb as your active weapon, run backwards and keep hitting Quick One and it should take out your grenades. Make your grenade meter full by pressing R1 or X as hard as you can and then go to a turret, face it, and press X, and once you do, let go of R1 or X to throw your grenade. Now whatever you had out before planting the bomb will come out on the turret.

[Get Bomb as Primary then Turret as Primary]
[Required: C4 to start with]
Get C4 as Primary then mount a turret and wait for your primary to become your active weapon. Find a person who is dead or ask someone to commit suicide, and pick up the person's primary and take it out as your active weapon. Pick up the Satchel, and then get C4 as Primary again and then get on a differient turret again and wait for your primary to become your active weapon, then get off.

[Ghetto Game Glitch]
[Required: Nothing]
This requires three people. Have Person 1 create a game, Person 2 comes in and switches to Person 1's side, and does the same team glitch. The game should start and then once the timer reaches twenty seconds before game is over, Have Person 1 and 2 get ready to abort. At Ten seconds left, Person 1 aborts, and Person 3 Joins, Person 3 should still see Person 1 inside of the lobby, and he should press ready instantly to join the game. Eight seconds after Person 1 aborts, Person 2 aborts, and Person 3 should join the game as soon as Person 2 aborts. The timer should then be stuck at 0:00. Then from then on, people should be able to join teh game and see there is no timer, and everybody is invincable. Person 3 should not abort, if he does, the game will last a random ammount longer and then finish.

[Glitch Medley]
[Required: RPG/AT-4 Heat]
Take your RPG/AT4 HEAT out. Now you must tap forward so that yoru character moves forward a tiny bit and takes out his primary. At the same time press triangle so that you lie down or crouch. and also at the same time press left on the D pad so that you lean left. hld lean left and now ask someone what you are doing. if they say or doing the retard/standing up with your gun upside down then your doing it right. Get the person to shoot you in the leg. you should twitch. now let go of lean left and you should still be proneing. On their screen your RPG/ HT4 HEAT should be out. There is a number of things you can do now which is why i call it the Glitch Medley. The first is that if you just crawl forward while still proneing you will be doing the fake lag. you can ninja jump while your still proneing and on everyone elses screen you'll go flying with your rocket out. (looks really awsome!) Another really tiny thing you can do is if you throw a grenade on other peoples screen it will come flying out of nowhere. the next htig you can do is if you still have your rpg out and you have't walked around yet then you stand up and you'll be sliding.

[God's Float]
[Required: Stand-By]
Hit Stand-by and then do the Invisable Box Climb, but when your in mid air in the position that once you hit the ground you will hang, once your in mid air like that, press triangle and you will drop down, now do the invisable box climb again to somewhere in front of something that you can climb, like in front of a box, climb up, and when your climbing up, you should still see the climb icon, hit the climb icon before you get to the top of your invisable box climb, and you should then climb twice, you will now be on top of the box, now hit stand-by back on, and wait for lag to catch up.

[Gun Clip #1]
Required: Cannot be Host and requires two people and must be respawnHave your buddy run at a box facing foward so that when you shoot him in the head, he falls straight down. Now, hang on the ledge and face down so you see his body, you should see the pick up primary icon, press X to climb up, and when your up halfway, press X to pick up his primary.

[Gun Clip #2]
Required: Cannot be Host and requires two people and must be non-respawn
Have your buddy run at a box facing foward so that when you shoot him in the head, he falls straight down. Now, hang on the ledge and face down so you see his body, you should see the victory dance icon, press X to climb up, and when your up halfway, press X to victory dance, and keep doing it until you get the backflip victory dance and you should backflip into the place.

[Handgun in Shotguns Only]
[Required: Read Below]
Make a Normal room with no limitations with the map you want to be able to use Pistols on even if it is Shotguns only and customize both the fourth seal and fourth terrorist with anything you want. Once you customize them, you won't have to do it again unless you uncustom them. Leave the room, and then go to Options and hit Save to save your armory. Now go to a Shotguns only map that has the same map you picked when you made a game with no limitations before. Go on Seals, then Switch to terrorists and then go to Armory and pick the fourth terrorist. Hit Done and then switch teams, once you switch teams, your switch teams button, once the counter goes away, should still be grey. Now press Ready and don't do anything else, otherwise you will lose the handgun. Once the game starts, you will have the handgun.

[Have 2 Pistols]
[Required: C4, and it has to be in a Non-Respawn game]
Get C4 as Primary, go on the Turret, and wait until your Primary gun gets 'eaten', then get off the turret. Now go to any dead body, and pick up his pistol. Open up your armory and you will have two pistols.

[Have Buttons In Player Description]
[Required: Stand-By]
Start up Socom 2 with nothing in your Memory Card Slots so you don't have the patch loaded. Go onto LAN. Go to taunts and change it to what you want your Player Description to be using Message codes, or whatever. Save the taunt, restart your Playstation but this time with the memory cards inside, and then go online and go to Taunts. Hit X on the taunt you just made and then press Stand-By. Now, press O, and then go to Player Description and type in anything as your player description such as A and then Enter it. Now press stand-by back on and your taunt will become your Player Description.

[Have Claymores and Mines Glitch #1]
[Required: Nothing]
Go to Seals, and pick the fourth model. Have any Primary and Secondary that you want, but make the accessories in the order that follows: Claymores, AT-4 Heat, and the other slot will be filled with the rocket. Customize this, and then go to the Terrorists, pick the fourth model, and then have any Primary and Secondary that you want, but make the accessories in the order that follows: PWN Mines, RPG, and then the other slot will be filled with the rocket. Customize your terrorist then press Done, and then leave the room and come back and then switch teams, you will then have Mines and Claymores on either model on both teams.

[Have Claymores and Mines Glitch #2]
[Required: Nothing]
Go on Terrorists if you want to have Mines as a Seal, or go on Seal if you want to have Claymores as a Terrorist. Go to armory and pick the 4th character. Switch PWN Mines to Thermal Scope, and then the character's Sniper Rifle to anything else(Should Give <None> in the Thermal Scope spot) after that change M67 to PWN Mines. Custom the character and get out of armory by pressing done, and then leave the room and come back, depending on which side you started on, if you started on Terrorists and you land as a Terrorist, switch to Seals and your done, but if you started as Seal and Land as Terrorist, you have to switch teams twice. If switch teams doesn't show up after you switch teams the first time, go to armory and get out of armory and it should let you highlight Switch Teams.

[Hold Mic #1]
[Required: Nothing]
While you are inside the lobby of any game, highlight Ready and then press O to start talking on your headset, and while holding O, start to slide your finger over to X. Once you move all the way to the X, and pressed Ready, let go of X.

[Hold Mic #2]
[Required: Nothing]
Start talking, and while talking, unplug your controller from its slot, let go of circle, and then plug your controller back in.

[Host Boot Room]
[Required: You Must be Host]
At the end of the round your on, pull your ethernet cord at five seconds remaining or when the victory music stops, and then plug it back in when you enter the next round past the stats screen.

[Host Spawns Early]
[Required: You Must be Host]
Once you hit the Statistics screen for that round, unplug your ethernet cord at 5 seconds left, and you will spawn early, and then plug back in.

[Hulk #1]
[Required: Nothing]
Go to a wall or box that you can hang from, Pull your Ethernet Cord and then do the Invisable Box glitch, as soon as your hanging from the Invisable Box, Plug your Ethernet Cord back in and hten climb up so you that you don't freeze. Don't move for about ten seconds and then you should be doing the Hulk.

[Hulk #2]
[Required: Nothing]
Position yourself about 4 feet from a climbable ledge. Pull your cord. Ninja jump towards the ledge. Stand up and climb the ledge. Plug your cord back in and if you did it right, you'll be doing the hulk.

[Hulk #3]
[Required: Nothing]
Goto a ledge were you can hang off of. Do the invisible box climb and make it so you hit a wall or something that stops the box climb from happening. Ask your partner if your hanging. On your screen you should be standing and on other people's screen your hanging. Take out your pistol, and then do the invisible box climb again, and you should be doing it.
[Note: You are able to jump and reload while doing this.]

[Hulk #4]
[Required: Must be Host]
Go to the top of any ladder and get on the ladder. Press Stand-By and then climb up to get off, and then do a small running jump, and then get back on the ladder. Then climb back up, and press Stand-By again, and wait for lag to catch up which means don't move at all, and you should be doing it.

[Invisable Box Climb]
[Required: Nothing]
Go up to a box, make sure you have the climb icon, and then turn to the direction you want to do the invisable box climb glitch at. Run at the box by holding foward(run at an angle while holding analog stick directly foward), Lightly and quickly tap X and Square to jump foward and you will then do the Invisable Box climb, you have to keep moving foward, not to the side or backwards.

[Invisable Clan Tag/Name]
[Required: Nothing]
Go to LAN and Make '~$~' a taunt. Then go online and do the long clan tag glitch using that taunt.

[Invisible Claymores/Mines]
[Required: You Cannot be Host.]
Take out your mines/claymores, and then press R1 to start to plant, when you drop down to start to plant, unplug your ethernet cord, then wait one second after you stand up, then plug it back in.

[Invisable Exorcist]
[Required: Read Below.]
Make sure your in a respawn game that allows you to have RPG's/AT-4's. Person #2 will go and find Person #1's spawn, Person #2 lines up to where when Person #1 spawns, Person #2 can kill him with backblast from his RPG/AT-4 Heat. Person #1 gets shotgunned or blows himself off a roof or something so that he can prone in mid air when he is dead. Two seconds before the set time for everything to go down, person #1 pulls his cord and spawns, and waits three seconds and then puts his cord back in, at the set time, person #2 shoots his AT-4/RPG. Person #1's body should go transparent to person #2. Have Person #1 get shotgunned until hes on his back, Person #1 then pulls his cord and respawns and then one second later puts it back in. He will not be doing the Invisable Exorcist.

[Invisible In Respawn]
[Required: Three people, two with RPGs/AT-4s]
Have one person stand in front of you with his RPG/AT-4 facing you, ready to shoot, while another person, behind you, turns around so you get shot with backblast. Make up a time, and as soon as that time happens, both the people shoot their RPG's/AT-4's, one hitting him with the RPG/AT-4 while the other hitting him with backblast. This works best with Seals, and once you respawn, you should be invisable.

[Invisable Rocket out of Turret]
[Required: RPG/AT-4 Heat and C4]
Make your Armory like as follows:
Now, Go up to any breach and take out your Pistol. Lock your Armory but make sure you use the pistol as the weapon you want to use. Now go wait on a turret, once the turret eats your gun, which happens around two minutes, get off, get C4 as Primary again, and then get on the turret. Wait two minutes and then the RPG Round will pop up as your active weapon, you can now shoot it at people. The only way to kill people with it though is by shooting them in the head.

[Invisible Turret Glitch #1]
[Required: You Cannot be Host.]
Go up to a Turret and take out your pistol, Lean Left and Spin Right and Each time you see the Mount Turret Icon, you press your Action Button, do this for up to 5 spins, and then on other people's screens you will fly up 30+ feet but on yours you will be running around the map being invisable.
[Note: Do not Change Stance, or Climb anything otherwise you will become visable again. Also it is easier to do this glitch if you get on the Turret and aim it up.]

[Invisible Turret Glitch #2]
[Required: You Cannot be Host.]
Be in crouch, go to the right of any turret so you do not see the mount turret icon and then lean left, you should see the Mount Turret icon, press X and then press Lean Left six times. You do this twice and then you should be invisable.
[Note: Do not Change Stance, or Climb anything otherwise you will become visable again. Also it is easier to do this glitch if you get on the Turret and aim it up.]

[Invisible Turret Glitch #3]
[Required: You have to be Host, and you must have Stand-By]
Get on the turret, press Stand-by, get off the turret, get back on it, then get off of it and hold lean left. Press Stand-By back on, and then wait for lag to catch up, and then let go of Lean.

[Invisible Turret Glitch #4]
[Required: You Have to be Host.]
Go to any turret and mount the turret, unplug your ethernet cord, and get off the turret, then mount it again and then unmount it right afterwards and then plug your ethernet cord back in and you should be invisable.

[Jump in Places you can't jump]
[Required: Nothing]
Prone, and then press triangle and then move foward or backwards or side to side and then press Square. You must do this very fast, it takes a bit of practice but once you get it, your stuck with it for life.

[Ladder Flyback]
[Required: Stand-By Preferrably.]
Go up to a ladder so you have the ladder climb symbol. Press X to climb ladder but as soon as you do, unplug your ethernet cord or hit Stand-by, and then run off, and then when you get to the place, plug your ethernet cord back in or press stand-by and wait for lag to catch up, press Triangle(Optional) while being flung back and you should be sent zooming past the ladder in another direction very fast and not have to come back to the ladder.

[Ladder to Heaven]
[Required: You Cannot be Host.]
Climb up a ladder and go to about the middle of the top half of the ladder, about two feet from the top. Then start moving foward AS SLOW AS YOU CAN. You will then keep climbing up and up, but it takes a long time to get up to a good height.

[Ladder to Hell #1]
[Required: You Cannot be Host.]
Climb up a ladder,make sure you are on higher ground and that you are able to prone jump down and then turn around and face the ladder, Unplug your Ethernet Cord, press X to get on the ladder, but you shouldn't, and then prone jump straight off higher ground to lower ground, and when you hit the ground, wait one second and then plug your ethernet cord back in. You should then slide to the ladder and then climb underground.

[Ladder to Hell #2]
[Required: You Cannot be Host and RPG/AT-4]
Go to the top of any ladder, and face it, unplug your ethernet cord and AS SOON as you do, press Quick 2 which should be your RPG/AT-4, and then just as quickly, plug in your ethernet cord, through the entire time you should not have moved from your original spot. Now sit there for a second and then when the lag catches up you should climb down an invisable ladder into the object below you.

[Ladder to Hell #3]
[Required: You Cannot be Host.]
Prone at the bottom of a ladder with your primary out, make sure you are facing it. Now lean left, and press X while still holding lean left, then as soon as you press X, let go of lean left, and you should go climb inside the ground.

[Lock up Armory]
[Required: RPG/AT-4 Heat and C4]
Go up to any C4 Breach, and take out whatever you want to get on the turret with, put whatever you took out on quick one. Take out your RPG/AT-4 Heat in front of the breach, and then keep tapping right on your D-Pad and then press Quick one to bring out your primary all the while leaning very rapidly, and you should stay in the rocket position with whatever you picked in the active weapon slot. Now get the C4 Icon to come up and then press X to start planting. As soon as you see the C4 as your active weapon, run away. Now your armory is locked.

[Lock Up Autoplay]
[Required: Stand-By]
Pick a briefing room, and do the See Every Room in Universe glitch. Upon entering the briefing room, go to Create Game, pick any game title you want, and then put every map down to Crossroads on your map list. After you have everything configured, highlight Restore Defaults and then press Square and then X. You will see an error appear, press X to accept and then you will be booted to the briefing room with your game at the top of the list. Now go to Join Game, and an error will appear, now go back to the Online Main Menu and do the See Every Room in Universe glitch over again, and make sure you go inside the same briefing room. Now, once your inside the briefing room again, have someone else hit autoplay, and they should join your room. Now your room should turn into Crossroads on your screen, and press Join Game and then join it. While in the lobby you should see a lot of people coming in and out of your game. Now you and the person you had hit Autoplay press Ready and then you will be booted. Go back to the game, press X on Ready and then you now have done it.

[Long Clan Name]
[Required: Stand-By]
Go to Taunts and then type in whatever you want your Clan Name to be, but don't enter it. Press Stand-By and then press Enter. Go to Create Clan and then type in anything as the Clan name. Press Stand-By back on and then keep pushing create clan rapidly, and then once it creates, leave Manage Clan, and then wait for a little bit, roughly thirty seconds, and then check to see if it changed, it might take up to three times checking before you see it your taunt as your Clan Name.

[Long Clan Tag]
[Required: You need a StandBy Router, and you have to be the leader of your clan.]
Make your clan tag ]]] but don't press enter. Press Standby, and then press circle to enter the ]]]. Then as soon as you do, go to Options inside your Main Online Menu and then press Standby again. Go to Taunts, and before doing this, you should have put what you want your Clan tag to be, as your first taunt. Then Highlight your first taunt, and then press stand-by again and press X and then Triangle and then go back to your clan tag and press X to open up the Clan Tag keyboard and press O. Then press standby again, and press X to open up your clan tag keyboard again and then press circle again, and to make it have a better chance of sticking, keep on pressing X and O over and over about five more times and then in a few seconds your new clan tag should pop up, and to make it have even a better chance of sticking which you might need if you don't have a clan rating, go to the Message Board in your clan menu after your clan tag appears and type in a message, anything, inside the message board, save it, and then leave and it should stick 99% of the time, with or without rating.

[Long Game Name Glitch]
[Required: Standby/GlitchSwitch]
Go to any briefing room you want your game to be in, press R1 for the text box to come up and type the name of the room you want to create. Press your GlitchSwitch or Standby, press Enter and then go to Create Game, and then hit X on Game Name, type 'a' as the game name and then press Enter. Then, you should wait 'til the lag catches up and it should become the long game name that you want.


[Long Taunts Glitch]
Required: Nothing
Type out part of your taunt so that it fills up the entire taunt line, and you cannot type anymore, make the last letter of your taunt, the first alt a. Then, as your second taunt, start it with the second alt a, and then keep typing, and then end it with the third alt a, and then go to your next taunt and start it with the fourth alt a, and keep going and so on and so on, and then save it, and then when you go into the game, say your first taunt, and your long taunt will appear and wallah, the disadvantage is that people will see the a's, you can also use e's instead of a's, or you can also use o's, but it all follows the same concept.

[Longer Game Time]
[Required: None]
After a game ends and it goes to the final loading screen, Pull your cord for a certain amount of time. At the totals screen the amount of game time will be much longer. Depending on how long you pull your cord, will determine how long the game time will be.

[Look like your Gun is Full-Automatic]
[Required: Model 18/Game has to be Respawn]
Put your Model 18 on Quick two then die. Pull out your Ethernet Cord, and Respawn, once you respawn press Quick Two then plug your Ethernet Cord back in, you will be shooting your Primary as fast a Model 18 on everybody else's screen, you will be shooting your Model 18 on yours, the bullet damage does not change, it has the damage of a Model 18.

[Make Bomb Disappear]
[Required: Read Below.]
Do the Plant bomb on Turret glitch, but don't plant the bomb on it, just get off the turret as soon as you get on, and you will still have the bomb on your back, but the stats menu won't show you as having it.

[Make Someone else Type Something]
[Required: Nothing]
This wors everywhere, just type ^ thirty times, like ^^^^^ and so on and so on until you have thirty of them. Then just type the person's username like ^^^^^^^^^ and so on and so on and then BOB: (msg). Remember to include a space between the ^'s and the username of the person.

[Magical Hang]
[Required: Rocket, Standby/Switch]
Take out your rocket. Press standby and do the old superjump that got patched. While you are climbing up press standby back on. Take out your rocket after lag catches up and ask if your doing magical rocket. If you are then take out your primary and press standby. Reload then take out pistol, then reload then take out rocket. Right after you take out rocket press standby back on and walk forward then do invisable box climb. Climb up as soon as you hang then ask what your doing. If you did it right they will say hanging from there take out your rocket then just press forward and jump at same time.

[Mirror Image]
[Required: Stand-By / Must be Host]
Go to the top of a ladder and face it, press stand-by, and then press X on the ladder, then press X to ladder slide, and when you are ladder sliding, press and hold triangle hard while leaning left/right and you will drop down to the bottom of the ladder in prone, now do the invisable box climb really quick, and once you do that, press stand-by back on, and then wait for lag to catch up, and then climb up, people will see two of your bodies climb up, and then whenever you jump, your body glitches up and down, etc.

[Mobile Claymores/Mines]
[Required: Claymores/Mines]
Find a moving object that when shot, flies foward, such as the Plates on the table on Desert Glory. Plant a Claymore/Mine on the plate, or whatever it is, and then shoot it to the position you want. Nobody but you will be able to see the Claymore/Mine on the plate, everybody else will see it where you originally planted it.

[Monkey Climb #1]
[Required: Nothing]
Jump at a ladder, preferably at an angle, and in mid air, press X and Triangle around the same time, and then you will be climbing in mid air on other people's screen.

[Monkey Climb #2]
[Required: Nothing]
Go to a ladder and climb all the way to the top, go into prone and then lean left or right, doesn't matter, and then unplug your Ethernet Cord. Press X to climb the ladder, and then plug your Ethernet Cord back in. You should be on the ladder still. Unplug your Ethernet Cord, Climb up the ladder again, and then plug your Ethernet Cord back in.

[Monkey Climb #3]
[Required: Two People]
Have one person be in crouch and at the top of the ladder, while another person starts to climb it from the bottom. Make sure the person at the top is as close to the ladder as possible, then have the other person climb up into the person on top, and make sure he keeps holding up the entire time, and he should be doing the Monkey Climb.

[MSG Codes in Room Name]
[Required: Stand-By]
Go in the briefing room you want your game in, and press R1 to open up the chat message menu. Type in a message code but DON'T ENTER IT. Press Stand-By and then press enter, go to Create Game, press X on Room name, type something quick like A and then press O to enter, and then press Stand-By again and then lag will catch up and you will have it.

[NeverEnding Respawn]
[Required: Nothing]
Have the host of the game open up their disc tray. When he does, vote him off. Now as long as he stays at the black screen that follows and keeps his playstation 2 on, the game will last forever and nobody can abort, until the host finally shuts off their Playstation 2.

[Ninja Float]
[Required: Two People]
Person #1 is Host, Person #2 spawns on an elevated part of the map and if he runs foward, no matter what will be on lower ground from where he spawned, like he spawns on a hill and runs down, well, when the round starts, have Person #2 start to jump down off the hill and keep holding foward, as for Person #1, in the round before the one where Person #2 keeps running foward, at the end of it, when the music stops, two seconds after it, unplug your ethernet cord for six seconds, then when you plug it in, it should skip the stats screen for the round, and Person #2 should be doing it.

[No Falling Damage #1]
[Required: Claymores/M67 Grenades]
Plant a Claymore at the bottom to where you are gonna jump to from a high place, or throw a Grenade but you must get the timing right, Then fall down and hit the switch to blow the Claymore and you will be knocked down and will only suffer barely any damage.

[No Falling Damage #2]
[Required: Nothing]
Press Triangle right before you hit the ground and you will see yourself Prone and you won't suffer a lot of damage if not no damage.
[Note: You have to have been thrown off by an explosion, meaning an explosive damaged you, you can also do this when you get Shotgunned and miss the spot with no health and you start falling down.]

[No Reload]
[Required: Nothing]
Go prone horizontally next to a wall, and lean any direction, and then start shooting, and while shooting, slowly move away from the wall, once your screen starts to jerk back as if you were leaning but your not, then you can stop.

[No Room Name]
[Required: Stand-By]
Go to the Create Game and put in all the settings you want except for Room Name. This includes maps, passwords, and limitations. Now highlight room name, press Stand-By, then press X on Room name, press O to enter nothing, and then press X on the Room Name and type anything, and then press O to enter it, and then press Square to start creating the game, when you do, press Stand-by Again. While it is creating the game, your game name should change from your name that had anything in it, to a blank, signifying it worked.

[Required: Stand-By]
Go to the game you want to have OICW in, it should have more terrorists then seals, and it should be already started and everybody should be inside the game, go to armory, then leave the game, now, spectate the game, and while joining it as spectator, press triangle very very quickly until your inside the game lobby. You should have the option to Switch Teams, even though you are spectator, switch teams, and then go to Armory. Pick the first person, press left until you see M16A2, now, press down to highlight your pistol, press left twice, then as soon as you do that, keep pressing up, then when your cursor moves up, your OICW should be there, and then press down to highlight your pistol again, and you should have the OICW as your primary weapon. Now, once you do that, you can scroll up and down threw your weapons to get random weapons, including Red Smoke, now, pull your ethernet cord so you get the disconnected message, leave it in for about ten seconds, then press X and you should be back in the briefing room lobby. Now, open up your disc tray and take out your disc, and then go back to the same room. Now, when you are joining, put your disc back in, and then keep pressing triangle again over and over until your in the game lobby on terrorists, you should be able to switch teams. Now, you need a stand-by or switch, press stand-by and switch teams, and then switch teams again and press ready, then press stand-by back on.

[Pie Glitch]
[Required: M67]
Put grenades as Quick 2, and your primary as quick one, and then press L1 + L2 + R1 over and over and eventually you will start shooting grenades like the AGG and lock guns.

[Pistol with Scope]
[Required: A Primary Weapon with a Scope like a Sniper Rifle.]
To do the Pistol with Scope glitch, Have your Primary out and then press O and then a press R2 and then keep pressing O and R2 at the same time untill you see the Commands menu pop up. Exit out of the commands menu and you will see your Armory pop up. Press up on your D-pad and you will zoom in, then switch to your pistol and you will be zoomed in on yourr pistol.

[Plant Bomb Anywhere #1]
[Required: Satchel and cannot be Host]
Make sure there is a corpse on your bombsite, so that you can plant the bomb and at the same time, pick up the person's primary. Start planting the bomb and as soon as he does the animation of planting it(When the bomb-planting-bar is all the way full and disapears), You instantly press X to pick up the corpse's Primary and you should then do the animation of picking up the person's primary, and then you will have your Bomb as your Active weapon and you can run around, and press R1 to plant it.

[Plant Bomb Anywhere #2]
[Required: Satchel, RPG/AT-4 Heat, and Grenades and cannot be Host]
Get your gun on the turret using the Get Any Gun on turret w/o C4 glitch, or get C4 as Primary and get on the turret and wait two minutes or shoot all bullets. Find a dead body and pick up the body's primary. Now do the steps to get your primary on the turret, using the Get Any Gun on Turret w/o C4 glitch except stop when you take out your grenades when you run foward after taking out the bomb. Drop the bomb and then pick it up. Now, whenever you throw a grenade, the bomb will become your primary and then you will be able to plant it anywhere by pressing R1. You are still able to switch to primary though to ninja jump, just switch back to the same grenades and throw one to get Bomb as Primary.

[Plant Bomb/Difuse Bomb]
Goto the bomb base with the bomb. Start Planting the bomb and when your about 3/4 about to plant the bomb, press standby. As your standby is pressed plant the bomb fully once then when your about to plant the second bomb press standby and just keep holding the X button on other people's screen it should plant bonb then you difuse it.

[Plant Bomb Further From Base]
[Required: Satchel]
Take out your Primary and go to the Bomb Base, start planting the bomb, and halfway through, take out claymores and plant one. You will be able to walk around for three more seconds before you plant the bomb.

[Plant Bomb On Turret]
[Required: Satchel, RPG/AT-4 Heat, and Grenades and cannot be Host]
Do the Plant Bomb Anywhere #2 Glitch, but don't throw your grenade. Go up to a turret and charge your grenades so your ready to throw it. Press X to get on the turret and as your getting pulled to the turret, let go of R1 to throw your grenade. If done correctly you won't throw the grenade and as soon as you get on the turret you'll have bomb on it, and just press R1 to plant it.

[Portable Box Climb #1]
[Required: Satchel]
Go to a room that has a bomb and somewhere to climb. Go up to the climb spot and look down til you see climb and drop bomb at the same time. Press standby and drop the bomb. Then press standby back on in 2 seconds later. One second after you press standby back on do invisable box climb. You will jump like your going to do it but then it will say bomb dropped while your jumping, and when you land you will drop bomb, while dropping the bomb turn towards whatever you want to get on but you only have 2 seconds to turn then after dropping bomb you will then slide away. Dont press anything until you wanna climb, when you do want to climb just press up on your analog stick.

[Portable Box Climb #2]
[Required: Claymores]
Do the Invisable Box Climb with your claymores out, climb up and hold lean left/right and when your character's shoulders go above the box, press R1, you should drop down, plant a claymore, and then lean left/right, now, have someone run in front of you and they will push you in the direction they are running, and you are able to turn, just make sure you do not get out of the lean position at any time, and when your at the spot you want, just let go of lean and you will climb in.

[Prone Crawl #1]
[Required: Stand-By]
Get on a Ladder, press Stand-by and then get off the ladder at the bottom, get into prone, and then lean left right in front of the ladder. While holding lean left, press X twice, and then press Stand-by back on, and continue pressing Climb Ladder. As soon as you get on the ladder, get off, and you should be Prone Crawling.

[Prone Crawl #2]
[Required: Claymores/Mines]
Go to a ladder with your Claymores out or Mines out. Get on the ladder, and then Ladder slide down, as you are ladder sliding, press and hold triangle very hard for two seconds while tapping R1 over and over. As soon as you get off the ladder, press X to get back on it, then once you get on it, press down on your analog stick to get off and you should be prone sliding on everybody else's screen.

[Prone Invincability #1]
[Required: Stand-By]
Go hang on a Box, and while hanging, press Stand-By, and then do the Invisable Box Climb but don't climb up, once the lag catches up, press Triangle and people will see you proning.

[Prone Invincability #2]
[Required: Mines/Claymores]
Take out your Mines/Claymores, and then do the Invisable Box Climb glitch, but while your in mid air, keep pressing R1 to plant a claymore/mine. Now when your hanging, press Triangle hard to go into prone on everybody else's screen.

[Prone Ninja Jump]
[Required: Nothing]
Get into prone, then shoot once so your gun is up, and then press triangle twice lightly but fast and jerk your right analog stick to the right slightly and at the same time press triangle lightly again and you will fly a lot farther then that Foward Ninja Jump and it can get you to places the same level as you.

[Prone Rocket]
[Required: RPG/AT-4 Heat]
Put your RPG/AT-4 Heat as Quick two, and leave your Primary as Quick one. Go to a door and take out your RPG/AT-4 Heat. Press X, and as you go to open the door, press L1 and then L2 very fast. You will end up opening the door and then be able to run with your RPG/AT-4 Heat out, go into prone to shoot it.

[Prone Slide #1]
[Required: RPG/AT-4 Heat]
Ok, First take out your RPG/AT-4 Heat, and do the Rapid Flashbangs glitch, but instead of doing it with your Flashbangs, do it with your RPG/AT-4 Heat and Primary Weapon. Then you should have your RPG/AT-4 Heat out but your Primary weapon as your active weapon. Then put your Handgun as Quick two and make sure your primary is quick one, start spinning around, and while spinning, Reload and press your triangle button very hard, you should see PRONE come up as your stance, but on your screen you are not prone, have a friend beside you to tell you if you are prone or not, make sure you are spinning the entire time. Then keep pressing quick one and quick two over and over while spinning, do this for ten seconds non-stop, you will be switching between primary and secondary. Then when you are done, make sure your Primary is still your active weapon. Now, Lean left and pull back on your left analog stick, you should get up, and then you can run around, and you should be prone sliding on other people's screen.
[Note: You will not see yourself prone sliding, do not change stance, or climb objects, or jump, otherwise you will stop prone sliding.]

[Prone Slide #2]
[Required: Nothing]
Get on a ladder, and then unplug your ethernet cord, ladder slide down, plug your ethernet cord back in and then press triangle hard so you prone and lean left and keep pressing X over and over, then when the lag catches up and you climb on the ladder, instantly press down on your analog stick so you climb off. From there, you should be prone sliding on other people's screens.

[Prone Slide #3]
[Required: Stand-By]
Start off in prone, Press Stand-By, and then press reload twice so you reload twice. Then hold Lean right and reload twice. Then, while still holding lean, press standby again, and right after pressing standby, make sure you are holding lean right and then keep reloading until the lag catches up. Then just stand up, and everybody will see you prone sliding.

[Proxy Drop]
[Required: Two People]
Go to any staircase or ramp. Have someone that is in crouch stand at the bottom with their feet touching the last stair, then have someone get onto the staircase and prone, and crawl into the person that is in crouch at the bottom of the staircase, then the person who is in prone, leans left or right and reloads and he should fall into the staircase or ramp. This also works with ledges and some rocks.

[Quick Switch]
[Required: Nothing]
When you are switching weapons, simply just lean left/right and it will just pop up in your arms.

[Rank Up Room w/ Password]
[Required: Two People]
Go to the briefing room you want your Rank Up room inside, and put all your options that you wnat, including Password, and pick Guidance as your map. Now, press square to create game, and as soon as you do, keep pressing triangle, and you should get booted back to the briefing lobby, if you don't, then you didn't press triangle enough times. Now, go back to Create Game, if Create Game is gray, then you pressed triangle too much and have to restart your playstation 2, put in your game name as 123, and then highlight respawn and press Square and then X. On the second person's screen, have him press Watch Game and be ready to catch te room as soon as it appears. As soon as the first Persons's screen turns black when creating the rank up room, right before going into the game lobby, have him turn off his Playstation 2. Now, for the second person, once he see's the room, have him join it as a spectator, and hten once hes inside of it, have him leave the room and come back to it as a spectator again really quick, and now all you have to do is wait for someone to enter it and then you can come back inside the Rank Up Room and it will be with a password.

[Rank Up Room w/o Password]
[Required: Nothing]
Go to the briefing room you want your Rank Up room in, now, go to Create game, pick everything you want, leave the password field blank, to number of players, to the map you want the game to be, Guidance; if you want a Rank Up Room. Now, highlight Restore Defaults, and Press square, and as soon as you press Square, press X and then after you press X, keep pressing triangle as fast as you can until you get booted to the Briefing room, with your game at the top of the list, from there, go to Create game again, put your Game name as '123'. Leave everything else alone except for if you want it to be clan-sided. Then, pick Guidance as the map or whatever map you want it to be and chose, the first time you created game. Now, highlight Respawn, press Square and then press X, one second later, you should get an error, and get booted back to the briefing room. Now press Watch Game, and if you look at your game at the top of the list, you should see that it has Guidance as the map playing, if it does, keep trying to spectate it, It might take up to ten tries, before you finally get into your room, and when you do, it has been catched and anybody can enter it. Wait until somebody enters it, before you leave and come back as a normal player.

[Rapid Flashbangs]
[Required: RPG/AT-4 Heat and Flashbangs]
Have your flashbangs as Quick two, and get out your RPG/AT-4 Heat, lean left and right VERY fast. After three seconds press quick two and continue leaning left and right, and you should get out flashbangs but still have RPG/AT-4 Heat out, then just Press R1 to shoot them.

[Rapid MGL]
[Required: Claymores and Cannot be Host]
Plant a Claymore so you have your detonator, put your detonator on Quick Two, and your pistol on Quick one, Go to an MGL turret with your pistol out, and hit X but right before he mounts, unplug your ethernet cord so he doesn't mount, now, press X three times to get onto the turret, press Quick two then press X three times with detonator out, then press quick one to take out your pistol, now, put your ethernet cord back in and run away from the turret, let lag catch up, and then start shooting your pistol if it is a Model 18 it looks like the Redline glitch.

[Reload Ninja Jump]
[Required: RPG/AT-4 Heat and Flashbangs]
Go into Crouch, with your Primary out. Press Reload, and while reloading, press Triangle lightly. When you are standing up, press Triangle hard and look to the left at the same time.

[Run with RPG]
[Required: AT-4 Heat/RPG and C4]
This can only work on Vigilance. Do the Get C4 as Primary glitch, and then get on the turret and wait roughly two minutes for it to shoot itself, in this time, no not touch your controller. As soon as it shoots, your primary gun should pop out and you should be able to shoot your primary out of the turret. Get off the turret and you should only be able to select your Pistol and AT-4/RPG as a weapon. Select your AT-4/RPG and run foward, and it should stay as your primary, now you can run around and shoot it while running.

[Seizure #1]
[Required: RPG/At-4 Heat/Another Accessory that can be accessed as a weapon, like Claymores, but not like C4]
Take out your Pistol, Then take out your RPG/At-4 Heat. Then take out your other Accessory. Then Run and take out your primary while running. Go into crouch, and then press R1 and you will be doing it, and you are able to see it.
[Note: Also Shoots Primary out of Handgun.]

[Seizure #2]
[Required: RPG/At-4 Heat/Another Accessory that can be accessed as a weapon, like Claymores, but not like C4]
Take out your primary gun, then take out your RPG/AT-4 Heat, then your other accessory, and then take out your pistol.
[Note: Also Shoots Handgun out of Primary.]

[Siezure #3]
[Required: Claymores]
Plant a Claymore so you have the detonator in your armory, set it as quick two. Set Primary as quick one, and then take out your primary and make sure your gun is ready to shoot aka 'hot'. Now just keep pressing Quick one and Quick two over and over and you will be seizuring.

[Siezure #4]
[Required: RPG/AT-4 Heat]
Do the Prone Rocket Glitch, then go into crouch, and press R1 to shoot, and you will be doing it.

[See Every Room in Universe]
[Required: Stand-by]
Start off by highlighting any briefing room you want. Hit Standby and while it is joining the briefing room, keep pressing triangle over and over very fast until the "Would you like to Log off?" Message appears, Press No. Turn off Stand-by, Wait three seconds, highlight autoplay, and then press X. It should bring you to the briefing room you highlighted, and you will have every game in the universe listed.

[Spam Server #1]
[Requirements: Nothing]
Go to the briefing room you want to have your 'fake' game inside. This game will appear at the top of the list with 0 players inside or 16, and no one will be able to join. Go to Create Game, and title the game, pick any map, and then highlight Restore Defaults. Press Square and then press X. It should boot you back to the briefing room with your room at the top of the list.

[Spam Server #2]
[Requirements: Stand-By]
Go to the briefing room you want to have your 'fake' game inside. This game will appear at the top of the list with 0 players inside or 16, and no one will be able to join. Go to Create Game, and title the game, pick any map, Press Stand-by and then press Square so the loading bar goes back and forth, go to choose maps again and unchoose the maps you chose, so there is no map list. Now after you got rid of the map list, go back and then press stand-by off. You will be booted to the briefing room with your game at the top.

[Shoot equals Boot]
[Requirements: AT-4/RPG]
Do the Shoot anything out of the Grenade Launcher glitch. Take out your MGL. Then go and plant your Satchel at the bomb base. Once you plant it, don't switch weapons at all, and then the next bullet you shoot out of your MGL will boot the entire room.

[Shoot Anything Out Of AT-4/RPG]
[Requirements: AT-4/RPG]
Go up to a turret with your primary out. Press X to mount turret but as soon as you do, press stand-by so you don't get on it. Take out your AT-4/RPG and then take out your Primary. Press mount turret twice, and then press stand-by back on and then run away from the turret. While running, keep switching from your primary to your RPG/AT-4 heat over and over. After lag catches up keep switching weapons and ask what you are doing and people should say 'nothing you just have your primary out', even when you take out your RPG/AT-4. Now after you did that, take out whatever you want to shoot such as claymores, mines, grenades, and then take out your RPG/AT-4 Heat and then shoot it at someone, make sure it explodes, not just bounces off their body, and it will say they died from whatever you had out before you took out your RPG/AT-4 heat.

[Shoot Anything Out Of Grenade Launcher]
[Requirements: MGL]
Go up to a turret with your handgun out. Press X to mount the turret, and then as soon as you do, press Stand-By so you don't get on it. Take out your MGL and then take out your handgun. Press Mount Turret twice, then press standby back on and run away from the turret, and while running, keep switching from MGL to your pistol over and over. After lag catches up keep switching between Pistol and MGL still, but ask what you are doing and people should say 'nothing you just have your pistol out'. Now that you did that, take out whatever you want to shoot, like grenades, mines, claymores. Then Take out your MGL then just shoot it at someone and it will kill them with whatever you had out before the MGL.

[Shoot Anything out of Turret]
[Required: C4]
Take out the gun you want to shoot out of the turret and then Get C4 as Primary and then go on a turret, and either shoot out all the bullets out of the turret or sit for two minutes and your primary will pop up.

[Shoot C4 out of AT-4/RPG]
[Requirements: C4, RPG/AT-4 Heat, and Stand-By]
Put your RPG/AT-4 Heat as Quick one, and go up to a turret so you have the icon. Press Mount Turret and press Stand-By so you don't mount, now take out your RPG/AT-4 Heat. Press Stand-By Back On And Run Away From Turret While Taking Out And Putting Away Your RPG/AT-4 by pressing Quick One over and over. Once your about twenty feet away, take out your rocket and people should say you are in crouch. Get C4 as Primary and then go on a turret and have the turret eat your primary, and then do it again, but don't go on a turret, instead, fall off a ledge so you lose a little bit of health, and now you can open up your armory with C4 as primary. Now, find a spot where you want to shoot your RPG/AT-4, take out your rocket even though you still have C4 as primary, and then shoot your rocket as someone, and it will say you have killed them with C4.

[Shoot M203's out of any Gun]
[Requirements: M203 Gun]
Get an M203 type of gun, Get C4 as Primary and then get on the turret until your gun pops up. Get off the turret and then find a dead person and take his gun, but make sure you didn't waste your M203 before. Chose his gun from your armory, and then go get C4 as Primary and wait til it 'eats' your gun. Then get off. You should be able to shoot M203 as Primary now, and DON'T GO TO ARMORY otherwise you will be booted.

[Shoot Primary with Pistol out]
[Required: Nothing]
Make sure your Primary is quick one, then get out your handgun. Go to something that has the climb icon, Hit X and L1 and you will have your Primary out when you climb up, and when you are on top, you can shoot normally on your screen but on others, people will see you shooting out of your primary that is on your back while you have your pistol out.

[Shoot While Victory Dancing]
[Required: Nothing]
Go to a dead body, press X to victory dance but very quickly press R3 to reload and then start shooting. On your screen you are just shooting, but on everyone else's screen you are victory dancing while shooting.

[Shot Gun Knock Up #1]
[Required: Any Shotgun and 2 People]
The Person with the Shotgun gets into prone and has a solid object elevated to where he can't climb or is blocked by a Proxy Wall behind him. The other Person has to be in Stand Stance and stands on top of the person who is proned. The Person who is proned should have his crosshairs red/green depending if the person on top of his is his own team or not. Then the person who is proned shoots. This will make the person in Stand, fly backwards onto the elevated object/or object behind a Proxy Wall.
Note: This is very hard to do, considering the Shotgun has a huge ammount of power and can very easily kill instead of make the person fly up into the air.

[Shot Gun Knock Up #2]
[Required: Any Shotgun and 2 People]
The Person with the Shotgun goes to the top of any ladder and prones to the side of the ladder, on the other side should be a wall. Have the person climb up and as he is getting off the ladder, the person with the shotgun shoots him in the legs and he will fly up onto the elevated surface. This can also work with boxes such as in Frostfire.
Note: This is very hard to do, considering the Shotgun has a huge ammount of power and can very easily kill instead of make the person fly up into the air.

[Shot Gun Knock Up #3]
[Required: Any Shotgun and 2 People]
Have Someone Hang, while the person with the Shotgun prones on the side ready to shoot the person when he climbs up. Have the person climb up, and the person with the shotgun shoots the person in the legs while he is climbing up, sending him flying.

[Shot Gun Knock Up #4]
[Required: Any Shotgun and 2 People]
Have someone stand on your head and keep switching from pistol to primary and shoot them in the legs with a shotgun.

[Shot Gun Knock Up #5]
[Required: Any Shotgun and 2 People]
Have someone stand on you and take there rocket out then while they are putting it away shotguns them in the legs.

[Shot Gun Knock Up #6]
[Required: Any Shotgun and 2 People]
Have someone stand on your head and jump up and down and while they are about to jump shotguns them in the legs.

[Shot Gun Knock Up #7]
[Required: Any Shotgun and 2 People]
Have someone do the invisable box climb, and when they are at the top of the climb, shotgun them.

[Silence Any Primary]
[Required:Low Volume Secondary]
Make sure your Primary is quick one, have your Secondary is quick two. Take out your primary, go up to a turret, and then press X to mount the turret, and at the same time, unplug your ethernet cord so you don't mount the turret. Now press Quick two, Quick one, Quick two, Quick one, then plug your ethernet cord, wait for lag to catch up, and your Primary gun should be silenced. Switching guns again will result in them becoming unsilenced.

[Silence Any Secondary]
[Required:Low Volume Primary]
Make sure your Primary is quick one, have your Secondary is quick two. Take out your secondary, go up to a turret, and then press X to mount the turret, and at the same time, unplug your ethernet cord so you don't mount the turret. Now press Quick one, Quick two, Quick one, Quick two, then plug your ethernet cord, wait for lag to catch up, and your Primary gun should be silenced. Switching guns again will result in them becoming unsilenced.

[Skin Glitch]
[Required: Nothing]
This only works for getting Terrorist Skin as a Seal. Go to Seals, go to Armory, go to any of the models, pick any weapons, and customize twice. Now, exit out of armory, and as soon as you do, switch teams, and go to armory, select the same terrorist model number, as you did with Seals, like you selected Seal 2, now you select Terrorist 2, pick the weapons you want to have as a Seal with Terrorist skin and then customize twice. Get out of armory by pressing done and then select Switch teams and then you should see that you can select Ready even though there is a timer on it. Do so, and then when you can unready, unready. Then go to armory on Seals, and while you are loading up the armory, keep pressing X very very very fast, and if done correctly, you should go into armory, and select the first person, but the background and everything is all messed up, if it does that, then press up and X. You should then go back to the lobby, and then from there, press Ready.

[Slide Around while looking Dead/Dead Superman]
[Required: 2 people, Shotgun, Claymores/Grenades]
Person 1 is the person who will be doing to glitch. Person 2 is the helper. Kill Person 1 and have Person 2 find his spawn. Once he finds his spawn, wait for Person 1 to tell when he see's his respawn button. Person 2 throws a grenade and right before the grenade explodes, Person 1 pulls his ethernet cord and respawns, counts to two and plugs his ethernet cord back in. Once Person 2 see's Person 1, it should say he is alive, but also say that Person 2 killed Person 1 with a grenade. Person 2 will then shoot Person 1 with the shotgun until Person 1 is lying on his back with his name above his head. Person 1 should pull his ethernet cord then respawn again, then plug his ethernet cord back in. Everyone should see Person 1 sliding on his back like he is dead but he will actually be alive.
[Optional ::: The Dead Superman Part ::: Now Person 1 needs to pull his ethernet cord and do the Invisable Box Climb Glitch, Climb up, and right when Person 1's leg seem's it is above the invisable box, plug his ethernet cord back in. Person 1 will be floating in the air while appearing to be dead.
[Note:Player 1 is doing the Exorcist + The Hulk = Dead Superman
Player 1 has all the benifits and disadvantages of The Exorcist and The Hulk]

[Spawn Early]
[Requirements: You have to be host]
Be alive at the end of the round, and then 5 seconds after the music stops and your screen freezes and takes you to the Round Statistics screen, unplug your Ethernet cord and wait until the countdown reaches 5, then plug your Ethernet cord back in. You will spawn before everybody else.

[Stand Invincability]
[Requirements: Nothing]
You must use a ledge that is not soft so you can't climb inside of it, stand a couple feet back from it, so you still have the climb icon, now, invisable box climb toward it without hitting the wall in mid-air. Your guy should jump and hang on the wall, but if your close enough to have your feet in the wall, people will see you standing at the top of the ledge, and you will be invincable.

[Standing Ninja Jump]
[Requirements: Nothing]
Get into standing postion and shoot your gun. Turn to your right or left and press triangle so it saids Crouch but your not in crouch. Now, jump and at the top of your jump press triangle, then press left/right on your analog stick and triangle at the same time again.

[Stand up with RPG/At-4 Out]
[Requirements: RPG/AT-4 Heat]
Take out your Rocket and then keep pressing R3 and L3(Your Analog Sticks) in, after 10 seconds of pressing them you will stand up with your rocket out on everybody elses screen, you won't see yourself stand up though.
[Note: Do not move, because then you will go back to Normal.]

[Super Jump]
[Requirements: RPG/AT-4 Heat]
Go up to a ledge, make sure your Primary weapon is on quick 1, and on quick 2, is your RPG/AT-4 Heat. Now, press X and as soon as you do, press L2. You should then hang on the ledge with your rocket out. Now, climb up, and while climbing up, press L1 and L2 over and over. You should fly up in the air.

[Super Shotgun]
[Requirements: Two people, one with RPG/AT-4 Heat, another with Shotgun]
Person One, being the person with the RPG/AT-4 Heat, does the Rocket hang, then as they climb up, have the other person shotgun them in the legs like normal, and they will go high. To make them go even higher, but you have to have precise timing, when they hop at the end of when they are done climbing, shoot them when they hop, and they will be sent even higher, but its hard.

[Switch Teams in Clan Only Room]
[Requirements: Nothing]
Go to a Clan-Only Room that is already started, and while entering the room, as soon as your screen turns black, hold down Triangle, or keep pressing triangle very fast, whichever way you prefer, and you will enter the game with the Switch Teams Option. Now, wait until the game ends and then once you see everybody back in the lobby with the ability to press Ready, press Switch teams and you will switch.

[Switch Teams while Ready]
[Requirements: You cannot be Host]
Go to armory, pick any model, and then press Done. As soon as you get out of armory, switch teams, and you should be able to press Ready even though there is a timer on it. Wait until the timer reaches one, make sure it is highlighted, and right before the timer expires, press X. You should then experience something where all buttons are unreachable for a second, then you will see you are greened up, but you can still switch teams.

[Talaban Float]
[Required: Satchel, Stand-By, and You cannot be host]
Press Stand-by on, drop the bomb, then put stand-by back on and then run for two seconds and then jump, it will say bomb dropped when your in mid-air, and when you put it down, lean to the left or right, wait one-two seconds after you dropped it, then let go of the lean left/right and you will float to the direction you are facing for around five-six seconds.

[Talk on the Mic after Getting Voted]
[Required: Nothing]
Talk on the Mic untill the last vote comes in, as soon as it does and your screen turns black, Eject your Socom II CD out of your Playstation 2 Console. You will be able to hear and talk to the people even though you have been voted out.
[Note: Your Name will not appear when you are talking.]

[Talk on Mic in Round Stats/Totals While Alive]
[Required: You have to be Dead]
After the Victory Music Ends Press O and then Press R2 while holding O. You should go into the Stat Screen and Final Totals Screen still being able to talk but only your team is able to hear you.

[Talk on Mic in Round Stats/Totals While Dead]
[Required: You have to be Alive]
You have "Run and Talk" on(switch it on in the Start Menu) then hold "L2" to talk and push "O" while talking. This will carry you into the stats screen.

[Required: Dead Body]
Make sure you have a dead enemies body at a location were you want to clip through. Now go over there bodies with your handgun out and make sure you can see the victory dance and the gun icons and the climb. Hold X, go left towards the guns. Real fast, pick up your primary gun and climb, then try to pick it up again. If you do fast enough it will work.

[Teleport Box Climb]
[Required: Claymores]
Do the Invisable Box Climb with your Claymores as your active weapon. When you start climbing up the 'invisable box', plant your claymore so you drop down, and then hold 'Lean Left'. Now, make someone keep running in front of you and you will notice you are getting pushed back, foward, and so now wait until' they push you to where you want to box climb, then turn and face it, then release 'Lean Left', and you shall climb foward into whatever you are facing. Also make sure that your left side does not hit any walls otherwise you will get out of the lean position.

[Teleport Claymores]
[Required: Claymores]
Go up to any wall and have your pistol out, get right up against the wall with your side against it and start planting claymores, you will preform the body movements but you will not plant. Stop planting claymores and then stand up, lean to the left, and turn to face the wall, you will then teleport the claymore onto the elevated surface you are trying to plant on.

[Teleport Ladder Glitch]
[Required: Nothing]
Go to any ladder, and get ready to unplug your Ethernet Cord and press X. Press X and as soon as you do, unplug your Ethernet Cord and then run off somewhere and prone, you will then climb an invisable ladder in that spot where you proned.

[Throw Grenades through Walls]
[Required: Grenades]
Go up to any wall, and have some space in between, and then lean into the wall with grenades out, press R1 and let go as soon as you get your distance and you should throw it while part of your body is in the wall, and the grenade is thrown threw the wall.

[Turret As Primary w/ C4]
[Required: C4 and must be Non-Respawn]
Get C4 as Primary and go on the turret and shoot all the bullets or wait two minutes for it to 'eat' your primary gun. Get off the turret, find somebody's dead body and pick up their primary. Get C4 as Primary, go on a differient turret, and wait for it to 'eat' your primary again, and then get off and you should have it as primary.

[Throw/Plant Anything]
[Required: C4/Satchel, Stand-By, Grenades, and Mines/Claymores]
Get C4 as Primary do the Get any gun on turret glitch, and make sure that the turret 'eats' your primary and secondary. Now, if you want to plant anything, use mines for the next part, if you want to throw something, use grenades for the next part. Put your Grenades/Mines on Quick One, and then put the other accessory out of those two as Quick two, go to a turret, then press X to mount, but before you mount it, unplug your ethernet cord, and then press Quick one, quick two, quick one, quick two, quick one, and then plug back in.

[Turret as Primary w/o C4]
[Required: Nothing]
Get your Primary on turret without C4 using the Get Any Gun on Turret glitch, find a dead body and pick up the person's primary. Do the Get Any Gun on Turret glitch again, but then once you get off, you will have the turret.

[Turret Pose when Dead]
[Required: Stand-By]
Press Stand-By, press Mount Turret, and then run and fall to your death. Once you die, press Stand-by back on.

[Unlimited Claymores]
[Required: PMN Mines and Claymores]
As your accessories, have any type of grenades as all three of your accessories, like Smokes, M67's, etc. Person 2 should have Claymores/Mines and a RPG/AT-4 as his accessories. Kill Person 2, and then waste two sets of your grenades, so you only have one set left. Run over Person 2's corpse to pick up his RPG/AT-4. When you open up your armory, you should have both your RPG/At-4 and Claymores/Mines and your third set of grenades. Now do the Rapid flashbang glitch with your grenades and RPG/AT-4. Now, highlight claymores in your armory, and press R1 and X and you will plant a claymore, now keep repeating the Rapid Flashbang glitch and highlighting claymores and planting it, and you will do the unlimited claymores glitch.
[Note: This can only be done in Non-Respawn Games.]

[Unlimited PMN Mines]
[Required: PMN Mines and Claymores]
Find a Dead Body and pick up Claymores or Mines, whatever you need, or do the Have Claymores and Mines Glitch. Have your Claymores Out and Highlight Mines in your Armory. Hit R1 and then Press R1 and X at the same time Repeatidly. You should see you plant the Claymore but instead it will be a Mine and it will not take any ammo off of your Claymores or your Mines.

[Unlimited RPG's or AT-4's #1]
[Required: PWN Mines/Claymores and RPG/AT-4]
Have your PWN Mines or Claymores out then highlight your RPG or AT-4 Heat in your Armory. Then Hit R1, then press R1 and (X) together repeatedly untill you plant the Mine or Claymore and then you will get out your RPG or AT-4 Heat and shoot it.
[Note: You will not have any control on where your RPG or AT-4 Heat goes..]

[Unlimited RPG's or AT-4's #2]
[Required: PWN Mines/Claymores/Grenades and RPG/AT-4]
Have Grenades/Mines/Claymores, do the Rapid Flashbangs Glitch just with Mines or whatever you have. Open up your armory and highlight your rocket. Plant your Mine or throw a grenade, while you are in the motion of throwing your grenade, or once your knee's touch the ground for planting the mine/claymore, take out your rocket. Now, you should have shot it.
[Note: You will not have any control on where your RPG or AT-4 Heat goes..]

[Unlock Characters Without Beating Game]
[Required: Nothing]
Start on the team you want to be on. Go to Armory, select any model, and then customize, and press Done, switch teams and do the same thing, when you press Done the second time, press Switch teams again, and then you should be able to green up even though there is a timer on it, press ready, and then when you can, press unready. Go to armory, wait until everything loads up, and then press left and you should have highlighted the locked character. Press X and then you have selected it.

[Built in Add-Ons]

[Kick a Door Down]
[Required: Nothing]
Run up to a door, and Press and Hold X for One Second. Then let go, your person will then go up and kick the door down, works in most Single Player missions and most Multiplayer Missions.

[Secret Headset Commands for Single Player]
[Required: Headset]
1. Say Intimidate in the Headset while your crosshairs are on an enemy in Single Player and he will have a more likely chance of surrendering.
2. Say Able Report Status or Bravo Report Status to see what your team is doing in Single Player.
3. While Bravo Team is on Hold Fire, Point your Crosshairs at an Enemy and say Bravo Kill Target. You can also use Able Kill Target.

[Ingame Messaging]
[Required: A USB Keyboard]
Press Enter for the Message box to come up and type...
/w "Username" Hi My name Is Bobby!
You must include the quotations... You can change Hi My name is Bobby! to anything you want. You don't have to include the quotations unless there is one or more spaces inside the person's username.

[Glitch r0001 glitches in Single Player]
[Required: Nothing]
Before you load up Socom II, Take out your memory card then insert your Socom II Disc, Then plug in your Memory Card at the Main Menu and if you wait about ten-twenty seconds it will ask if you want to load the new information, hit No. Then just Hit Load Game or New Game and you will be able to do any of the Patch r0001 glitches and some patch r0002 glitches such as Ninja Jump. This only works for Offline, If you try logging Online, you will be prompted to download the patch so it won't work for Online.

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